A Gateway to Financial Management

The Financial Gaatha helps you to manage your money for a better tomorrow. Get the Financial Management knowledge you desire to open doors of endless financial benefits.

 Investment Strategies

Money Management 

 Financial Literacy

Financial Market 

Capital Market


How you can learn Financial Management.

stock market & financial management

Stock Market

The stock market refers to public markets in which Individuals and companies can buy & sell stocks , bonds, mutual funds & derivatives that trade on a stock exchange or over-the-counter .The stock market is a place where investor can buy & sell ownership of such invisible assets .



Bullion trading is the term used for trading of golds. The bullion reserve of any country indicates the wealth of any country. Since India is the largest importer and consumer of gold on this planet, its bullion market has a lot of promises. The “Gold Market” is an international digital network of gold trading. There are two types of Gold Trading: physical and ETFs(Exchange Traded Funds).

Gold Bricks
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Everybody knows about stocks and equity trading. But, there is a high-potential market that most people are unaware of. This avenue is known as the currency market (also known as Forex, FX, or the currencies market) which allows transactions with foreign currency. It gives you a chance to profit if you can spot the right opportunity and use them for your benefit. Let us understand the basic concepts of the currency market

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Frequently Asked Questions...

How can I grow money faster?

Clear your basics of Finance such as Income, expenditure , budget, saving,Tax, No debt strategies & yours’s risk appetite. Start with converting a small amount of savings into investment and gradually increase it with time and avoid making any hasty decision.


Start searching for the best depository participant who can meet up to your expectations of service you need . A thorough study is required on their Transaction charges & hidden cost & services they are providing their user or services you need while trading

how to start investing in stock market?

Open a Demat account with any depository participant ,choose your stock after considering various factors i.e. Experts advices, suggested strategies ,  fundamental of stock , Financial health, knowledge acquired and  your risk bearing capacity.

are there any hidden costs & fees involved?

There are lots of hidden charges involved such as market costs, custodian fees, advisory fees, commissions, brokerage charges, stamp duty, securities transaction tax and other charges. Get a full knowledge before Investing.

How do you determine your risk bearing capacity?

one’s financial condition determine his risk bearing capacity ,a person with higher income does not mean higher risk bearing capacity , you have to consider their expenditures ,debt proportion  and  physiological risk tolerance capacity too.

Gold vs Gold Bond - Which is Better for Investments ?

Sovereign Gold Bonds is more attractive  compare to physical gold, as it is more safer to store & also provide a fixed rate of interest but there are many restriction too while purchasing & selling SGBs, investor goals need to match .